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7 Tips for Writing a Self Reflection On Your Performance at Work

If you’re looking to write a self reflection on your performance at work, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Start by setting aside some time to reflect on your performance. Consider setting aside a specific time each week or month to reflect on your work and how you can improve.
  2. Think about the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the period you’re reflecting on. Did you achieve those goals? What worked well and what didn’t?
  3. Consider any feedback you received from your manager or colleagues during the period you’re reflecting on. What did they highlight as your strengths and areas for improvement?
  4. Think about specific projects or tasks you worked on during the period you’re reflecting on. What did you learn from them? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
  5. Be honest with yourself in your self reflection. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge areas where you struggled or could have done better.
  6. Use your self reflection as an opportunity to identify areas for growth and improvement. Consider setting specific, actionable goals for yourself moving forward.
  7. Share your self reflection with your manager or a trusted colleague. They can provide valuable feedback and support as you work on improving your performance.

Overall, the key to a successful self reflection is to be honest, reflective, and action-oriented. By taking the time to carefully consider your performance and identify areas for growth, you can continue to improve and excel in your role.